Turin em loose! ♥
Well i would say it was a good, fun minus the freakin crazy ass drama weekend!..cousins confirmation was on Sat!..
*congrats calvinnn!*..then after mass it was continued with Makan Makan at his house..omg i'm so hungry now i can die!..=(
after that we had a lil drinkin session!..hmmmmm..yummy!..parents went home later so i kinder took it as we were allowed to stay over...*yippes*..so my cousin dragged me to one of his friends 21st parrty..OMG!..if i knew how the party was gonna be i wouldnt have gone!..hahaha..it's was full of indians!..like seriously paria lookin indians!.haihz..but he said he just wanted to show face..so there i am with my three quarter pants, tshirt and slippers, standing outside talkin on the fone, with a ciggy in my hand..thats how i burned 30 minutes..*haha*..
So after awhile he finally gave the signal to leave..headed to his house..had somemore drinks..then went to play pool..came back to his place @ around 3.30 ish.. and thts when we hit his new XBOX!..Omg..it's to die for ok!..no shyt!..we played till about 7.00am then i hit the sack!..hehe..
Got up at about 12.30 then continued to snack on the food from yest and play the Xbox..then the plan was to go for a movie..so got ready..came home to send my mum's car back thats when i got yelled at shouted at screamed at then took mine and we headed to Tropicana Mall..wasnt till we got there that we realized my cousin had to be back early..since we already bought the tickets..i tried callin ppl for the extra one..couldnt blame them for not comin..it was like an hour before the show..BUT guess who confirms with me?.. YES!..Mr.Mc.Cutey!..hahah..and i swear i had no part in this..my cousin bought tickets for a three seater and a two seater..so guess who got the two seater..?..hahaha..but he was good company la nothing more!..hehe..
THE MOVIE WAS FUCKIN GOOD!..it was full of hawt guys ok!..no joke!..I loved it!..all in all it was a good day!.. minus the fact that i have not eaten la
The Movie : The Loser

Google him!..i dare u!..Ahhhh...*melts!*..Oscar Jaenada
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