Well, after getting outta bed at 8 in the mornin!..thinkin class was gonna worth it..turns out..not so much..i went in at 9 only to find out my review was at 11..-_-..first thought..could have had 2 more hours of sleep!..Bleh!..neway..we headed off and got some breakfast and came back at 11..we had a review on the Magazine layouts that we handed in before the holz..
it's up on my Uni Blog Magazine Layouts!..
It went so good!..finally a break thru!..the lecturers loved it!..said it was a daring and bold move..Wooohoo!..hope i get a good grade on it!..haha..on a whole another note..i just was informed by my mother that one of my 2nd cousins just passed away..was a really shame..she was soo young..but she was quite sick back then as well..haih..life..u'll just never know..=(..ta..xx
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