Tuesday, December 13, 2005

..::ma guaRdiAn anGeL::..

Dear angel, You came into my life, Just when i decided to end it,
How could it be that He listened to my prayers?
But there's no doubt he sent an angel to my side,
Everything that i would do for you,
cannot compare to what you gave me,
I don't noe how to thank you For all the joy and happiness you brought,
You stayed by my side, keepin my mind sane, How could i have continue with my life,
If you weren't there for me?
When everythin that came in my way Just seemed to come crashin down,
A handful o strenght and hope Reached for me and pulled me to safety,
Who's hand was it? None other then yours, This is just one of the many things,
That i wanna thank you for.....