..::My MerDeka CElebRatiOn::..
OOoo..last thursday..for Merdeka..parents took us out shoppin..well..kinder..considerin i didn't get anythin..lolz..well newayz..after that we went for dinner..woot woot!..was the bomb!..hehe..we went to Sakura..hehe..someplace in KL..supposely famous la..but when i went in..damn stylo siut...hehe..open menu..*gasp*..Malaysian food siut..lolz..nasi lemak..chicken rice..and the priceses...oh god!..ten times what i would normally pay..but the food was said to be good la..heheh..so good enuff..=p..i had mushroom chicken rice..hehehe...wasn't bad..=p

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