Have u ever had a time where you actually felt alone?..like u don't noe who to turn to or who to trust..
yea..well i have those days..and well..i usually don't turn to people..
i just sit and contemplate..=p..
so this was the result..i feel like there are many types of "friends"
the true friends and the "for-show" friends..
i thought i had true friends..as in all my friends..but it finally just accord to me..
i do have "for-show" friends..
my defination for them is..those kind who noe ure in trouble..but really won't do anythin to help..not even console!..those kind!..
haihz makes u wonder..what do u really do with these kind of 'friends'..
let them be?..cut them off?..tell them off?..or just leave it be?..
it's crazy
and then..u have the hypocrites..
those who pretend to be ure friends for somethin..
i dunno why but hypocrites have been my 'hot' topic for sumtime now..
but yea..there are so many types of different people we have to deal with it..
question is..how do we avoid all these people?..
run away whenever they're seen?..
haihz..it's really mind buggin..
but let me try to set it straight here..don't pretend ppl!..
if u like that person..let them noe u care..
if u don't..WALK AWAY!..don't trouble them!..it's chaos!..
if u are my true friend..u would noe it..
if u don't..hint hint!..hahahaha!..just playin..
i luv u guys..if ure readin this..u're as true as it gets..=)..
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