not a Friday..but still good!
well this was on..errr..let me think..last week la sumwhere..hehe..we headed to Mid after coll..and we were there kinder early thought we'd go bowlin and all la..three games for only 10! huh?..hehe..owh yea..before that..went to A&W first..heheh...
..::third game again by Ju::..
After that we headed over to fridayz!..i wanted a Mud pie..but ended up eatin a three course meal..includin Dessert! did cause a bom..=p..but look at it..super dooper good!..thankz to noel dahlin for preparin it..hehe..and Marko!..the drinkz WERE GOOD!..not to mention free!..=)..which made it awhole lot tastier!..heheh
and that concluded a day well spent!..=)
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