..it was awesome la..hehe..anyways..we set out to detour to Stephz house before goin costume shoppin..but she wasnt at home so we headed to the "fun House"..me ans sonia went nuts!..there were so many costumes!!..first i tried the TOGA!..
Toga! Toga! Toga! hehe..but it didnt work..
then i found some spanish dress..didnt work..then i found a long black dress..gettin there but didnt work..
then i found it!..found whut?..u'll find out later..heheh..so me and son got our costume for juju and paul and we left..the guy there was so comel!..haha..and nice..*blink blink*..hehe..then we came to oldtown to have the owh so famous Chicken Rice..hehe..then we headed of to Mid Valley cause i had a manicure appointment..juju got if for me for our anniversary..so i thought i'd use it before it expires..hehe..co cweet of him..hhehe..we wore part of our costume around mid valley..hehe..which were horns for me and a witch hat for Son..hehe..
so i got my manicure done and son somehow managed to convince me to do a pedicure as well..ahaha..and now my nails are red..woot!..lol..heheh..so we thanked them and we left..
had to pick my bro from school and go home to rest awhile..but after i sent my bro home and when to give ju his costume and all..they wanted to go to another shop to see the masks there...so i followed for the fun of it..hehe..
i left the house at 9 to pick mr.Peter up..then the boys went to pick ju and charles and then me and son went over to stephz place to see how she was doin after the accident and all..then around 10 sumthin we went to lagoon..and the pictures start..we had to walk thru the shoppin mall to get to the main entrance..hehe..and go!..
in stephs house..
when we arrived at lagoon!..group pic!..lol
my jujukinz and me
we got some random dude to take it for us..as like the whole night..haha.. the horny devil..lol..*winkz*
me and SCREAM!
Random shots..
Shots with Freaky people!..hehe
We left to eat after this and headed home..i'm satisfied..this was a prefectt haloooo-spooky ween!..heheh..BOO!
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