Partay like a rockstar! ♥
i'm 22!!!...A series of fortunate and unfortunate events (unfortunate being tht germany lost)!..but no doubt in mind..i had the best birthday ever..i felt so loved on facebook..and from all the calls and msges from the ppl i adore most!..Especially a 12 midnight call from my sis in UK and Karthiban in INDIA!..♥.we'll i didnt do much..i had lunch with my bestie in mid valley..drowned our sorrows in Chilis..and get this..when we started smokin..the manager on duty walks up to us and goes..
"i'm sorry but it's protocol and i think u noe why i'm here"
"urm not really?"
"Well it's because ure smokin"
*in head already prepared to defend my self sayin we were in a smoking section*
*errr ok?"
"Yea, cause u guys look like ure 16 and 17 so i need to see ure ID"
"HUH?!..*burst into fits of laughter* are u kiidding me?.we're both 22"
"Omg no?..*looks at our IC* OMG i'm sorry and happy birthday btw"
*walks away*
hahahhahah me and thigam burst in laughter bloody made my day..heheh..then we headed up to "Dragonfly" where the twins met up with us..gave him the tattoo..he traced it out..and i sat there for one hour in pain..=)..but i'm one happy child! I GOT A TATTOOOO!..=)..Later at night they came over and we had pictionary fun!..=)..and i called it a night!..=) Awesome blossom birthday ever!..=)
The night before
drinks in Tom Dicks and Harrys!
Ivan valentino!
me and nic just before i got flamed with a flaming!
HELL YEA!..otw home to watch the big game!..
my cute Belgium chocolate cake!..=)
my very own purple guess bag!..=D!
roses from nic..=)
the dress me and thiggy bought!..♥
my drawing of a gladiator which made nic guess as a trishaw!.

My tattooo!..♥
Had a lovely birthday!..thankz to my lovelies!..♥
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