hey hey hey!..hehe..well been meanin to blog about saturday..but had no time..so i decided to make time today!..hehe..well..saturday if u didn't noe..was the good will games..it's held every two years..and this year it's in seremban..yea..all the way there..=s..haha..so since it was far..we had to be in church at 6!..so u can imagine whut time i had to get up!..hah..4.30 mind u..=p..newayz..so we reached there at about 8.30..and went straight for the openin ceremony..alo of churches took part..13 if i'm not mistaken..well..after that..the games started..i went to watch the volleyball n netball..cause friends were playin..peter..and marilyn..volleyball was freakin awesome..the team that won was super awesome!..St.Anthony's church..and netball was Fatimaz church..i became one of the loud-screamin-annoyin-supportive cheerleaders..hehe..since there were only four of us..we screamed our loudest!..and i do mean loudest!..haha..this purple thingy..
was my pom-pom!..haha..i got a purple one!..woot woot!..hahah..these were the pictures of the Assumption volleyball team...tell me about their uniformz..*bleh*..heheh..but they came in fourth..not bad not bad..hehe..netball we came in 2nd!..althought i don't like the lady in charge...but wth..heheh..

after that we moved to the football side..i swear the amount of hunky guys!..dang!..haha..but yea..control control..hormons all rising!..hahah..neways..we didn't win the football part..only managed to go up to the semi-finalz..hehe..overall we got 3rd placing!..not the bad wei!..hehe..but waitin for them to finish everythin was a bore!..luckily had peter to keep me company..that pain!..haha..with all the noise he was makin..haha..then got in the bus and came home..reached home at about 8.30..whole day there man!..hehe..i had loads of fun!..meet so many of my friends from other churches..and i met Mon da Ca..(monica)..hehe...poor gurl had the flu...hope she'z well..hehe..other then that..it was a fruitful day..hehe..now i'm gonna sleep cause i got coll tomo..*bleh* again!..haihz..before i go..a big shoutout to Marilyn and Peter..!!.woot woot!..u guys did good!..congratz!!..hehe..NITEZ PEEPZ!..
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