was just horrifyin!..went to meet my friends,joanne, nic and joel.. in pan bakery at about 8.30 for dinner..haven't seem them all in so long..we chilled there for awhile..and decided to go to asia cafe to play instead of two of us drivin down..we decided to take nicz car..and since jo'z house was nearby..we were goin to park my car there and jump in after parkin the car all..nic was smokin in his car..we all were buggin him to finish it he threw the ciggy outta the window...and we continued our stays in 222 we were drivin..and this getz car was infront of us..i wanted to see the way out of her area so i poked my head infront..just as that happened..i saw in front of us..headlights shinin right thru the other car..i was WEI!!!!..and the getz swerved to the right..and the mitsubitshi on the wrong lane..swerved to his right..but it was too late..his leftside..hit the getz left side..and they were goin at great speed that the impact made the mitsubitshi overturn!..twice!!!!we all screamed in the car!!
the guy in the mitsubitshi was in the wrong..he was tryin to overtake the car infront of him by cuttin out on our lane!..stopid fella!..thank god he is alright..

THANK GOD my friend manage to stop in time!!..he was followin real closely behind!..shyt man..we all got down to see if the guy was hurt..he was just stonin in the car!some guy climbed up to help him out...
..and i got down and took piccyz!..=S..WTH right!!..haha..but the guy was ok..not much injuries..shyt man!..the people in the getz weren't hurt..but they were old people..he complained about a back ache..=s...they were lookin for witnesses..but we didn't wanna get we decided to leave then.. and jo were so badly shaken..we decided to cancel our Asia cafe trip and go home! we drove back to her place..waited there for awhile..then i drove home..and on the way back..i nearly drove into a drain!!!..shyt man..still abit shaken..but otherwise..all good..haihz..can u imagine..if nic hadden stopped for a smoke..we could have been the getz car!..just a few secz man!..scary day!..and when i came home..found a cockroach in my room!..WTH WEI!!..leave me alone u scary things!..haha..aight people..enjoy the piccyz!..=p..
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