Thursday, February 01, 2007

..::a day of pain-ness!::..

Omg..the pain-ness!..haha..well today was a very eventful..and i mean eventful day! up at 7.00am!..wth right?..i noe tell me about it..but we were suppose to go for paintball..(pain-ball) so yea..we left the house at around 7.45am..gathered everybody..jumped into Dom'z car..and we were set to go to was all the way there..(nuts!)..but was effing cheap..40 bucks only for studentz..complete with 200 balls.!..hehe..not bad not bad..hehe..well anyways..i always thought paintball was fun wei..and i was goin to try it out today..!!..*funn-ness* my gear all on..ready to shoot me sum in the area la..1,2,3..GO!..i was hidin and diving and runnin and when i lifted my hand to shoot..*BANG*..fuck!..someone shot me on the head!..Fuck i swear i saw stars man! once ure shot..ure gotta raise ure hands and walk back to ure flag..(at the startin point)..i was like fuck!..came so far adi..nvm..raise hands and walk..nearin the base adi..i see an opponent comin..and we are not allowed to shoot within a 5 feet range..i see him he sees me..we both start firin at closin in 4 Freakin FEET!!!!...wth right!..and yea..i survived..but i needed to be carried out..fuck man..i was like tearin and sweatin and shyt!..7 close shots man..and i was down..haihz...and Mark..(the guy who i injured)..had a hit on his was bleedin and all..i felt so bad..but nyeh..i got it to..hehe..we both felt it la k..after that..shyt..i didn't wanna go back it..but goes on i had long break..lunch and all..then only was it my get this right..i up at my post..(diff sides now)..and i'm comin down the hill and hidin..(mind u we were goin against a 4 star team with 3 guys who used guns like snipers..shyt!) i'm running down and i get shot at..not once not twice but 12 freakin balls flyin at me..i freakin duck and move towards a nearest hide out..and i'm sittin in the middle of the barriers and i hear the balls hittin the tyres..and i'm like shyt don't hit me..don't let it go thru the holes and all..and i see this dude runnin up at the side of me..not knowin i was sittin there..hhhaha..and when he comes up i scream SURRENDER!!...cause thats wut u suppose to do..and u noe whut he does..HE SHOOTS BACK AT ME!!!!..WTF WEI!...and i'm like coverin myself so i don't get injured!..FUCK!!..but he gets disqualified for that yea..i decide to change places..and i run to a different place..still gettin shot at mind u..and i'm hidin..i pop up my head..a ball flies inches away from my head..i felt it in my hair man! yea..thats about it for me i sit there..back against the barrier and look at my team mates..i hear leaf crunchin..and i noe sumone is sneekin up..i scream SURRENDER!!..and i turn to look at the person..she points the gun to me and says surrender..and i had to go back to the post!..WTH..i said it first..nvm..then..both the guys in our team it's just girls left..FucK..i'm lookin at her..she's lookin at me..dang!..sum how or another..this dude comes next to me and gets our game over right?..Nooo..some ppl don't understand that..this guy is still firin shots at hits me in the side and i fall backwards..wth!..again i go out of the area in tears..dang it!..and well yea..those were the interestin parts la..the third time i went shot on the leg..(thigh)..Effin Effin pain!..but's all in the game..ehhe..overall..i had fun..but i could have done without the bruises!..hehe..nyeh..take it as memories..=)
..::pictures of my bruises!..nyeh::..