u noe..i used to be this person..
who was so concerned about whut people thought about me..
i used to let the slightest critic about me bugg me so much..
sumtimes i found it hard to pretend i didn't hear it..
Everythin in my life i did because i thought it was the 'In' thing to do..
i was a fcukin hypocrite!..

but all this changed..
today, changed my point of view about things.
It didn't matter whut people thought about me..
say whut u wan..it's ure opinion against my justification..
i feel like a whole new person..
a person who is stronger and unwillin to have anythin to do with immaturity..
this is all because of one person..
One person who showed me it was alright to stand up for myself once in awhile..
that one person who told me it was alright to love again..=)..
and i love him dearly for that..
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