well today has been a rather exciting day..considerin i didn't see it comin..=p..newayz..woke up around 7.30..to go for mass..but mum said we'll attend the later one..nvr happened cause we had to go visit a long long time friend of mumz..all the way in KKB..(Kuala Kubu Bharu)..they were expectin us for lunch..so we left around 11,12 ish..so of we go..=)
then we reach his house..it was freakin huge!..The colours were a bit off..but it was still huge!..a few piccyz of the house..not very clear..click on it to enlarge it..it was so huge..haha...so we had lunch..stuffed like pigs..then the uncle decided to take us for a ride around KKB..
this is the lil dude..*Karthik* was such a doll!..he is only in std 5..but he speaks fluent Mandarin..is effin smart..has good manners..and he's only 11..!!..dang..he was such a sweetheart..he took me for a tour around his house..showin me from the backyard to the kitchen to the upstairs to the duckz and geese's behind his house..haha..so cute!..
then his dad took us to the dam..and see the circle thingy..the one where the water is gushin down..guess whut..the drop is 600ft!..and see the bridge there..we aren't allowed to go in..becase..their afraid we might commit suicide..*bluek*..cause of all this depressed people in the world..we're deprived of lookin down a 600ft drop..*nyeh*to them!!.anyways..after that..we took a drive around that place..
this was taken from a bridge futher up..=)
we then ended up in sum river called *Selangor Sungai*..wokayz!..we dipped our legs in for a bit..was super nice..and we were standin at the edge..the current was unbelieveable!..it was effin strong!..if i was to stand on one foot..i swear i would be swept away..that bad!..haha..but it was fun..=)
then after all that..we went back to the house..thats my sis..my mum and my grandmother..we wished them all well..and we left..
they were tellin us there was this hot spring place not far from there..i got all excited and made my dad drive an extra 15 minutes to get there..the result..-
.....so not worth it!..=p..*adious*
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