well today was a holiday..woot woot.!!..hehe..but it started off as a slow day..very slow..mind u..=p..but things picked up kinder fast..hehe..first and foremost..i cooked!!..haha..i helped mum make sweet and sour fish..some pork dish..and vegez..i cooked the vege's by myself!!..i swear i'm talented..hahah!..then i took a short nap..and was con-ned into gettin up...they told me we were goin to PS..(petalin street)..but instead.they dragged my sorry ass to Ikea..don't those hangin thingyz look awesome!?..aha..
..i tell u..=p..but the whole trip wasn't such a lost..i got new ideas into decoratin my house in the near future..=p..haha..and i also came across this...- -

Like wth right!..furniture..with names!?..and human names may i add..whut were they thinkin?..tryin to pull sum public stunt..??..think about it.."hey let's go to ikea".."yea sure..but why?".."owh i wanna buy a dave"..wth?!..hahaha..!so funny wei..seriously..haha..well after that..since my parents conned me..i guess they felt bad..so they decided to take us to PS anyways..WOOT WOOT!..goin to PS= definately new stuff!!!..haha..
and thats exactly whut i got..i'm now one belt, one shoe , a few shirts and one glasses richer!..=p..i'm in love with my Adidas superstars...heh..their purple baybeh!..woohooo!..=p..
but it's mostly white..come to think about it..everythin i bought is mostly white..hmm..wonder why..*winkz*..hehe...after a tirin day..we headed home..wait...dinner first then home..=p..on the way back..we saw the parade goin thru..for the Wesak day..the decorated floatz..so cool..our car was right next to it..guess they were on their way back..
the floats were super colourful..and i saw the sleepin bhudha..no idea whut it means..but it was kinder cool to see it..hehe..hope u can see it..i didn't get a clear shot of it..sorry..i was in a movin car ok!..=p..
newayz..thatz all from me...for today..gonna go meddle with my new shoes..=p..poyo sial..tk peepz..=)
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