happie burfday

hhehe..i tried to find another pic..but this was all i could find..the others are else where..oh bother..we'll be taking new ones from now on...*winkz*..=p.. this guy has been eva so faithful to me eva since the first day of college..hehe..he's a whacky-i think im funny-but i always try-black wearing slackz with my friendster checkin habits type a guy..=)..hehe..and now he's turnin 21!..dang this people grow up fast..=p..heheh..well just wanna let u noe that you can come to me for anythin..u noe i got ure back!..=)..tk babe..and i'll seeya around coll..lotsa love..
hope u had a wonderful birthday..=)..
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