a tribute to ma homiez!

..::a darlin duoz..hehe..this two gurls mean the world to me..we three share sumthin u just cant explain..whenever we meet up or talk..we have this understandin for each other..this invisible bond..these two are the first people i turn to if i have troubles or anythin..we've been thru a lot together..and i hope it continues..all the mini partys we've had..not to mention our nacho parties..=)..hehe..luv u guyz!!!!!!!!!...*MuAkz..huGgiez*::..
..::this is ma babe in coll la..was so weird..she was the first person i met in coll..she's so outgoin..so active and always so hyper..hehe..we've gone places together and been thru quite alot of drama in coll..haha..it wouldn't be the same in coll if she wasn't around..haha..*huGz*::..
[DaRren n jAy]
..::this two i got to noe thru my sister..darren is my emo-whore la..hehe..u should seee the drama we pull..in PUBLIC!..haha..he's just a super guy to be with..it's nvr a dull moment around him..::..
..::Jay is also the bomb la..a kick ass-daring-bitch slappin-sacarstic-don't mess with me chicka..hehe..she's just sumone u don't wanna mess with..put darren and jay together..and u've got a terrible duo..the amount of arguin this two do..haha..it's entertainin..no doubt..but it's a love hate thing..hahah::..

..::omg joshy washy!!..so much to talk about!!..haha..he's a real doll!..not denyin the fact that he is a die hard pussycat doll fan..but he really is damn nice..he just clickz with everyone..and i mean everyone..he's effin fun to hang with..and he's so so friendly!..ahhaa..we've had a lot of things goin on..the things we used to do back in the dayz..every moment is cherish..i hope u noe that joshy!..i luv ya!..*hugZ*::..
..::Peter bum!..he's a pig la i tell u..but i still wuff him!..hehe..he's the one who introduced me to my juju-kins!..hehe..i miss peter a whole lot in coll..things just aren't the same..no one buggin us to go eat..no one always remindin us about Pork mee..no one whining about his hunger..no one to bully..no one to make sacarstic jokes..haha..he's deeply missed..=)..hehe..but he's still a bum!..haha..thankz for everythin peter..i noe deep down u care don't u!..=p::..
..::haha..Suresh..aka D'resh!..hehe..Resh is my bro in coll la..he's like a big bro i never had..hehe..althought he assumes everyone is his sister..i still feel special..hahaha!..gosh..i sound so sad..hahah..newayz..he's damn funny and sportin..he is also one of the first people i met in coll..on the first day la..he's been there for me eva since..from match-makin me..to helpin me with my assignments..Thankz Resh..i owe u!..::..
[Jo Chris n Lyn]

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