Pd outin...-jingbangerz-
well i'm back!!..hehe..incase u didn't noe..i went to PD with a bunch of friends..presentin the..
..::our motto?..we noe no limits!.::..*cheh wah*
so they finally start the BBQ!..woohoo!..yummy..once again!..
ok ok..get this right..after we start the fire and all..not more then 10 ft away..a huge fire happens!..and it's burnin up the hotel stage and stuff..so our three heroes go to the rescue..hehe..it was really bad..and EFFIN HUGE!!..
was kinder sad la..considerin there was suppose to be an event on the stage the next day..well newayz..the fire was put out and we continued our BBQ..and no we didn't start the fire..some kids were messin around..children..then we makan puas puas then go back up to the room..*thani session*..woot woot!..ok ok i admit i got a bit high..ok ok..i was high..and from the stories i heard i did..i had to be high..let's just say that..haha..sharon aso was a gone case..only the guys stayed sober..or so they say..haha..but we layan-ned the music kau kau..hehe..was goood..!..hhehe..then mornin came..we chilled again..then left around 1..went makan..the ciowed back..we reached kl around 4..fun-ness!!..i swear..

featuring Peter bum!..Suresh Paandi..Sharon gal Jujukinz and mua...haha...it was the bomb..haha..considerin we didn't do any planin..as in..didn't noe where we were goin to stay and eat and crap..which i found kinder interestin as they managed to only plan on whut Booze to bring..*trust guys to forget booze!*...haha..the journey was fun..we met up in central then took a bus to Seremban..pit stopped there..then took a bus to PD..durin the pit stop..guess whut i had!..YEA MAN...DUNKIN DONUTS!..haha..
me and sharon nicely stuffin..hehe..was super yummyz!!..hehe..then we checked into a hotel..don't ask the trouble we had to face to stay there..we were considerin sleepin on the beach..=p!..haha..newayz..we go up to the room..and i sleep..-_-'!..i noe!..wtf indeed..but tiredddd la!..haha..

so we chilled in the room..listened to some songs..then went for a swim..hehe..was fun..then we went back up to the room..had our showers..then they decided to sleep..needed to be hyper at night..that was their excuse..haha..so sharon and i were in the living room..layanin music..then at around 7..we went and disturbed everyone into gettin up..cause i was dead hungry..so after about 1 hour of kickin and screamin..*comin from the guys mind u*..they finally get up..Suresh hides in the cupboard when we didnt allow him to sleep..nut i tell u..haha..so we go down to the beach..look at the sunset..awesome stuff i tell u..!

so we chilled in the room..listened to some songs..then went for a swim..hehe..was fun..then we went back up to the room..had our showers..then they decided to sleep..needed to be hyper at night..that was their excuse..haha..so sharon and i were in the living room..layanin music..then at around 7..we went and disturbed everyone into gettin up..cause i was dead hungry..so after about 1 hour of kickin and screamin..*comin from the guys mind u*..they finally get up..Suresh hides in the cupboard when we didnt allow him to sleep..nut i tell u..haha..so we go down to the beach..look at the sunset..awesome stuff i tell u..!

..::on the way back..in the bus::..
another sucessful outin by the one and only jingbangerz..*jeng jeng*!..
another sucessful outin by the one and only jingbangerz..*jeng jeng*!..
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