last nightt..=)
Fcuk!..i have to rewrite the whole fcukin post again..shyt wei..damn long summore i la!..argh!!..plz gimme a moment!...*inhales....exhales*..kk i'm good to go..anwayz..Friday was an awesome day..well..ju was suppose to pick me up from my house at 8.30..supposedly go for breakfast then class..but knowin guys and time..i swear..he picked me p at 9.15..*shakes head*..newayz..we go for breakfast as planned..then we head for college..i had class from 9-1..crappy-ness i tell u..hehe..newayz..i practically survived on the cake ju brought for was so gooood..hehe..then we went for lunch in Medan..wasn't feelin so didn't eat much..then we went back for out 2 o'clock fav class..Animation..biasalah we go strollin in late..only to find out..todayz assignment..draw a! indeed!..haha..i thought gone la..but the end result wasn't soooooo bad..hahaha..tada..
..k la..i noe it's no where close but give me propz for tryin la..=p.. i didn't draw this..but it is our assignment...*bleh*.. after class..sharon and Suresh were on a mission on findin the place for us to stay in Pd..our lil 'secret trip' lookin forward to it..and Redang..=p..we helped them abit..then ciowed at 5.30..ju sent me home and told me he'll pick me up at 7.30..we were goin out tonight baybeh..woot woot..=) yea i get home..fill mum up on the details for the trip..gossip abit..then watch simpsons..totally underestimated the time to get ready..but..i did..7.45 baybeh!..and not a moment too soon..hehe..we then headed for the curve..Italiannis..but before we got there..ju gave me a lil sumthin came wrapped up in this Gorgeous purple box..i openned it only to squeal in delight at whut i was MR.TEDDY himself..the right size the right height the right everythin!!i was sooooo excited i swear..i even wanted to take him with us for indeed.. juju-kins..

i had this awesome drink *Strawberry Colada*..damn good sial..

well after an amazing dinner..we drove around Kl for awhile..then decided to stroll and greet a park with our presense..hehe..thus explainin the piccy was so romantic..i noe..who would have thought i would say that..haha.but it was the right moment and i was with the right person..=) happy..i love u co co co much b..


..the purply boxy..=)..

..::teddy boi and moi::..
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