yes yes..i'm fully aware of the time..but i had to man i just had to post..Well today is Labour Day..and so much for that..haha..i met up with my dear-old-long-time-people-thinkin-she's-24-year-old-4-year-high-school-bitchin-partner minie katz..heheh...long leh..and btw..no she's not 24..Shhesh!..haha...anyways..this photography class i swear is being a real bitch!..i hate how the deadline is every week!..EXTEND IT LONGER!!!..goshDarnit!..freakin irratetin man..well anywayz..i had like to take picturez and the portrait was my favourite one i swear..hehe..thankz to all my dear-underpaid modelz..haha..Jujukinz, jordan, my sista..(it's ure job)..haha..and of course Minie Katz..she's uber talented!..anways these happen to be the ones i'll be submittin..hehe..there were so many otherz but i couldn't upload them all..so enjoy..:)
Ps: I love u guyz!
Noon Portrait
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