hellloooooooooo ppl..how u doin?..hhehe..newayz...this pass few days have been effin hectic!..EFFIN!..today was like the worst man..left house at 10 am came back at 1 am..how tirin is that!..hahah..owh yea first thing first..
hehe..19 and still old..=p!..hehehe..newayz..started of early enuff..me and son headed to Stephz place at around 10.30am to surprise her with her cake..propz to the mum for stallin her..hehe..then we somehow manage to convince her not to go to class..and for son no to go to work..we brilliant i tell u ..hehe..so we made major plans to meet up all..but sadly i had to go to work..haihz..at 1 thou..so we had a quick lunch in pan..the whole jingbang..included stephyz sistaz..after work..we headed for a movie..

i like to move it move it..she likes to move it move it it was wicked funny!..hhaha..
then..the highlight of the night..I NEARLY GOT ARRESTED!!!..WTF right?..haha..big she bang thing with a guard in midvalley carpark..long story short..we needed to do a video for coll in the carpark..guard thought we were car jackers..told us to get lost..friend lied and said we had permission..threaten to put us in jail..SO WE RAN!..lol..it's almosr so funny it's scary..=O!..hehe..neway..came back..and slept!..
P/s: A sudden interest in BubbleGummies!..and yea i did draw it in photoshop..cute leh?..hehe..

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