Sunday, May 21, 2006

..::fRidaYz faReweLl::..

Shyt! is that?!?!..hehe..well wanted to start off with somethin then always with..hi yo.. wassup? thingy..heheh..well newayz..this week..more like weekend was really awesome..includin friday...cause i got to see all my started like any normal friday..haha..kidding night for dinner..a few of my friends came over fridayz to celebrate Zura'z pre-burfday was really awesome to see them again..puikz was there..somy..nat..pat..Zura..and a few more..hehe..well we nicely ber-cam whoring wei..hehe..newayz..after they left..the worst thing that could possibly happen happenend..hehe..i was doin my closing duties before leavin work..and well it was a co-workers last the tricked him into usin the back door..which he gave in and used..*big mistake*..all of us was waitin outside for him..armed with whip cream..chili sause and mustard..hahha..and we whacked him chow chow.!..haha..after that we resumed our duties..then came the time for me and my sister to leave..we thought no one knew it was our last day too..boy were we so wrong..when we came down..they blocked the entrance and i got carried out to the back..need i say more.??they were outside waitin for and my sista were bombared with crap..literally crap!..i got chili sause in my hair..whip cream in my shirt..Daal from the neighbours restoran..and some other crap..*thankz mark!*..ARgh!...wanted to whack them up there and then..ahah..came home smellin like a garbage truck..*puke*..hehhe..well that was my oh so eventful fridayz farewell..*puke*..hhehe..
.:: me and puikz::..