..::biRthDay anyOne?::..

weLl you gueSsed it..my BiRthday luNch...corteSy of Jordy boi..hehe..it was an awesome day..i had an awesome time..hehe..well after that i went home...jordy gave me this cute teddy..hehe..so adorable with a chain..hehhe..well then after i got home..my paRents decided to Take me out for dinner..aiya ya ya ya...hhaha.i was so effin full..hehe..well newayz..we went to subang..logenhouse..and had dinner..i didn't of course..i just had a bowl of soup and a iced chocolate drink..=)..and a few things i munched..ehehe..then after that..since everyone was too full for ice-cream..try baskin robbins..which was just under my nose!..haha..i had to forgo it!..damn it!..hahha..well nevertheless..we took a drive to putrajaya..just to check it out..not bad wei the place..just full of huge unwanted, un-used..and un-pretty!...hahha..well the drive was good..and i couldn't find a better way of spendin my birthday..=)..toodles..

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