..::sAturDAy feVer..don't ask..=p::..
i'm BacK!..lolz..then came SAturdAy..hehe..started off a slow mornin..hehe..OH YA...I PASSED MY DRIVIN TEST!!..WOOHOO!!..lolz..ANYWAYZ...i went for futsal with the *primEr gang*..boy do i miss them..not many of them came..but i was glad to see them anywayz..devey was there..suresh was there..sutha..sanjay..kenny tee yew..kartz..kartiban and somy were late..and joanne..haha..it was so freakin fun..had a blast of a time..yeap..chasin the ball..hehe..we'll be doin it soon i hope..this comin sat!..yay yay!..hahah..after the game i left to go for some hip-hop-dancin-french thingamajig..it was awesome..weren't allowed to use the cam in there..but i did manage to get some..hehe..*curi curi*..lolz..but i was kinder amazin for them to remember the choreography...and the performance lasted for one hour!..crazyness..,hehhe..well anywayz..thats that..tk people and good nite..hehhe..
..::there were six of them..dunno where the other one went..::..
..::he was breakdancin..heheh..this guy was hot wei..=p..::..
..::they were actually dancin on that thingy at the back..*jungle gym*..heheh::..
..::OOoo...this was an indian dude..man can he dance..::..
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