..::world cup finalz!::..
how i spent my world cup finalz!..hehe..i followed my dad and bro to this pub..one of my dads friends pub..explains why my bro could go in!..well newayz..we went there around 11..i had my baileys!..woohoo!!..was effin happy..haha..besides that..my and my bro played pool and Ps2 the whole night while waitin for the match to start..hehe..we spent atleast 18 bucks playin..hehe..well after all that..the match started and ITALY KICKED FRANCES BUTT!..in penalties unfortunatly..which indirectly means both teams deserved to win..hehe..but GERMANY will be back again next 4 years time!..and they will be takin on Africa in Africa!..haha..woohoo!..aight then..let me enlighten u which piccyz.!..hehe

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