OOooo..yest was a night la!..hahha..yest was yohanz birthday..hehe..HARPY BIRTHDAY YOHAN!..hehe..newayz..we all were goin to karma..so i went over to Marilynz house..was so awesome...she stays in a really nice and quiet place..hehe..damn nice..then we took her doggies for a walk..heh..charlie and Scobby..hehe..damn cute!!!
..heheh..after that..i stonned in her room..damn awesome..and her bathroom..even awesome-er.hehe..can sleep in there wei..hehe..then we got ready
..and met Monica on the way..hehe..then we reached the club around 10.30..hehe..it was not very packed la..considerin it was only 10.30..but still..hehe..well...we chilled there for awhile then around 1 sumthin..got thrown out cause there were rumors that there was gonna be a raid..so we chilled outside then went back to Yohanz place..most of them were drunk..hehe..and well..we ended up playin ps2..hehe..i was with jordan..well..ermm..more on that in the other blog..hehe..newayz..i was waitin for amanda to send me back..waitin waitin waitin..sekali aku pun tidur..hehe.when i woke up 4.30!!!..like wtf??!..i have to go home!!!..hehe..chased everybody..then reached home about 5.30..mandi mandi..then tidur..hehe..not bad right..quite the fun la..hehe..

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