well..let me start this off by sayin..HARPY 18 th BURFDAY DIMPZ AND ASHLEY!!!!!!..you're finally 18 and legal!..hahahah..newayz...if u don't noe..dimpz was my bestest friend in skool..sat next to her and all..ash is currently in the same coll as me..so all'z good...it was dimpz birthday on 17th and ashley'z on 16th..yesterday..at about 8.45pm..i was busily watchin high school musical on tv..hehe..yea...and i get a call from dimpz sista..Sharmini..and her bf..they were last-minute-ly gatherin ppl for dimpz surprised party..so i quickly left and picked ash up..hehe..just went and honed nicely infront of her house..haha..newayz..we went there..mingled abit and waited for the princess to return!..hahah..she went out with her bf..Awww..hehe..so we all hid in the room..hehe..so called surprised her when she came back..hehe..she was so surprised to see me..haha..then we cut the cake and she had to feed all of us..hehe..this picture was my cake-fed blooper!..hahah..they made me pose people!..i swear!..haha..

haha..look at this woman..posin all..lookin in the camera summore!..haha...nonsense..hehehe...well after we all settled down..we became lazy and decided to pose!..haha..was like really fun!..hahahhaha...it was great seein all my friends again..hehe..

this goes to show right..you don't have to be super rich to throw a party and be happy..you could have the simplest party and still b happy..cause u've got everyone u really care about there..=)..
she seems happy to me..*winkz*...=)..happy burfday gurl..!
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