thankz loads b..=)..
hey peepz..omg it's been so long since i blogged!..can't believe it..anyways..i've been takin tons of pictures to blog about..but i'm so lazy to photoshop it and blog and shyt..hehe..well i really felt like bloggin..well as u all noe..well..sum of u anyway..=p! Birthday is on my dear dear jujukinz..won't be able to see me for the weekend as we are busy with stuff and he decides to take me out for lunch today after class and all..So he makes all these plans and stuff..and come after my class..a bunch of friends were headed to amcorp to play snooker..sounded oh so we decide to go for lunch first then meet up with them later for a round of snooker..but since we were runin behind time..instead of goin for lunchy..we go for snooker first..end up bein there till 6..=s!..hehe..but it was absolute fun!..we didnt however make it for lunch...but he did take me to Kenny Rodgers..=)...and i saw my dahlin ZuraNee..been ages since i last saw her..look as hawt as after jujukins sent me home and off he went..tralalala...OWH YEA...guess whut he got me for my birthday!!..SO SO SO SO SO the gorgeous!..a freakin-leather strapy-expensive wearin-big face-white numbers-owh so comel card-with a box WATCH!so so so so so the gorgeous!..thank you so much b..=)..u spoil me way too much..=)..but i'm not complainin..heheh..Muakz! i wuff u loads!

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