Saturday, May 10, 2008


Another day another not so sad-ass was just whut i needed to add to my "motivation"..hehe..i noe..i'm like on a hunt.!..*roar*..*please excuse the's 12.43am to be exact i'm all OOOoooo...gone!*..hehe..anyway..had class today an exam to be exact..wasnt so thrilled about it..but turned out to be quite okay..then..had lunch with devey..who was an abso-lute darlin..fetchin my sis and all..*pain*..hehehe..took us to Mcdz..needed his..i quote.."protein"..hehe..thankz for makin time devey...always good to see u..and btw..the hair and bod looks good..hehe..yea..he is single..hehe..
After that..he dropped me back at coll and i headed to Mini'z house..hehe..we had a we went over to Picadillys...i tell u that women is abso-fun la..heehe..
so we ordered and all..i got this drink called pink bell..catchy eh? came with a cherry which i was happily takin and usin as my template picture..until..yea..she ate it..she ate my PICTURE!.hahah..this is the last picture i got from it..may it rest in peace in her stomach...evviiilll...hahah...but it was all good..i moved on to my next subject...

Zurabahbey!..hahah..kesian that gurl..makan aso tak leh in''s love la..hehe..
Camwhorin caught!..hehe..Minie and Atie..
after that we headed to get some girly stuff done and we went ber-huntin in Taman Medan..for whut?..ahh..that u will nvr know..muahahahhahaha..gosh..i blame the time..TIMMMEEE..hehe..nitez ppl!..=)

P.S: Yes minie is wearin a hat..don't ask..=p!..hehe
Love u gurls!..muakz!