mother's day
To all mothers out there..Happy Mother's's the only day u get to be madly spoilt..althought it doesnt happen much..but hey..even if ure single or whut..there's still an excuse to celebrate it.hehe..
Thought i'd do sumthin different for got these Tarts and wrote the words on it..and left it in the thing i noe before i could give it to her..i see her snoopin in the frigde to eat somethin..and holds the "O" for Mothers in her hand..she ate it la..hahah..i screamed man..really screamed..hahah..she didn't realise whut was goin on till we explain..*slaps head*..genius i tell u..anyways..tarts weren't all that good as they were usually suppose to be..*curses* yea..effin backfired..

Headed over to Sakura'z for Dinner..awesome place..always loved the setting there..hehe..

The sisters with the same Do..=_='! some Ju-on Advert or sumthin..haha..
we with the mumster!
and who knew..they were givin away free cups..hehehe..for mother's day that is..
wouldnt say we went home empty handed..*winkz*..=)

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day
yet again..
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