Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lornabee's Pree Birthday!

it's a great feeling when u realize tht some of the things you do dont go overlooked..when someone act considers and adapts to make u realize you DO matter..it's the best feeling ever..and i'm so glad to say i have wonderful friends who never let me think other wise..

I was just informed by my closes friend that her sister is getting engaged..and it's the best news u can ever find..i'm a sucker for all this romantic gestures..yes bt i dont believe love is for me...but to see someone living it and going thru it..is enuff to satisfy my own..and with that i wish them all the best..

Other that that..i've lost my camera!..yes!..all my pictures and my beloved purple friend!..i'm devastated!..hope the perk dies n rots in hell ....but yea..more upset about my memory card then anythin..but yea..it was lorna's 21 pre party..and it was amazing..these were the pictures i managed to steal off faccyb..:)

Pre Birthday Dinner


twas a good night out..:)

Unreal seem real

he makes my knees weak..we've been at it for 5 years now..
he noes me..he wants me but I need him!..

although we arent in a relationship..it the closest i've come to anything real.
He's the only one who can make me smile with tears in my eyes.

He always makes it real for me
and thats why i love him..:)

bold thing to say for someone who doesnt believe in it


My Boomerang

I used to be devastated everytime you went away,
But I think that has become more of a routine now,
You tell me you try so much coz you care,
I say you say you "try so hard" coz it's easier.

I dont hate you, as a matter of fact I owe you one,
You changed the way I looked at things,
I dont look at love by just hugging and kissing,
I see it beyond that, the sacrifices, the effort..
The ones u and i clearly need help in..

You'll always be there,
and i think im comfortable enuff
just knowing that..:)


i forgot how addictive it was to blog..hehe..blinded by things that dont seem to matter as much now..it's funny how it takes full concentration to do things that matter but hardly any effort tht contributes.
Yet all the effort goes into determining who keeps you happy. exactly WHO!..haih..if only i had spent half the time drawing or designing then I did cryin over a man who never mattered..

I do believe you mature with age..i do believe there comes a point in everyones life where they actually stop and think about the future..the exact time to grow up and start taking responsibility..

All my life i've been independent, never depending on anyone to support or carry me..but it took moving away to realise you do need support sumtimes, regardless if u think u need it or not..i'm grateful for all my friends and family that have stayed..never given up on me or gambled me away, the ones who truly matter..and i'd go to the moon and back for them.

Everyday is an experience and you don't live it by watching it go by..u be apart of it..something i need to adopt STAT!..have a lovely week..:)