Tuesday, July 31, 2007


You know whut..it's actually kinder interestin actually..i was readin xiaxue'z blog..[Xiaxue](click it) ...kinder interestin..it was about 7 top most disgusting bloggers in s'gpore..haha..was so funny..but at the same time i couldn't help but think of a few particular people i noe..(sadly to say, i noe them) who i might vote the top 7 too but in m'sia!..=p..this people are exactly like them..crazy, so full of themselves..and effin FAKE!..FAKE FAKE FAKE!..i'm not sayin i'm the whole deal and all..it's just that..there's this fine line between real and fake..real in my definition is bein who u are..not tryin! to be someone u think u should be..i just thought i'd write about it..=)...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

suicidal thoughts

i can't help but feel alone right now..
i had dreams , i had visions..
but i nvr thought i'd live to see the day u disown me
you made me feel so upset with my life and the way i was living it
the thought of endin it came to mind..
but i'm not brave enuff to carry it out..
nothin had meanin at that moment..
silence was followed with silent tears
i hope ure happy and intent with ureself..
i treid bringin down the barrier..but u killed it..
who whud have thought u of all people would judge me like that
i have someone who cares about me..
so to hell with everyone..
if i need u..i'll call..

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


there's so much to say..but so little to write
you came into my world and promised me a change..
you told me i was better then the rest..
i didn't believe you..
so u showed me i was..
My prince charming u'll always be
u shower me with love and affection..
i can only hope to do the same
i may disappoint at times...
but then again..i'm only human..
i'm at a stage where i'm learnin different things..
you've become more then just a guy i love..
your by best friend..my comforter..
you understand my problems..and make them ures..
whut did i do to desevre u..
the question i ask myself everyday..
is still left unanswered...

Saturday fever!

well..this post is also kinder belated..this was how i spent my saturday..13th July..i noe kinder back dated..together with the other post..owh well..so yea..we were plannin on goin shoppin on saturday..Jay knew this shop in damansara..with absolute adorable clothes..and cheap..i might add..so we ran sum errans in the mornin and was reminded by my dear dear grandmother that it was my dad's birthday...*smacks head*..nice goin al!..even i forgot..and my grandmother hardly remembers things..so that was a bust..i still luv u granny!..hehe..so we went to one utama first..put up sumthin on the exhibition there..then went to damansara to meet jay..just then..steph called and asked us to pick up the trophies for the futsal tournament..(the one we came in second..hellllo...)...heheh..so we waited for jay..waited..waited..waited a while longer..then i decided!..it's time to cam-whore!..woot woot!..hehe..so yea..i had a ice blended *oh so yummy* drink in my hand..and it had a purple straw!..double woot..so yea..pictures were born!..hehe..

..::i even dragged her into it!..hahaha..::..

so yea after awhile..Jay arrived and we went Shoppppin!..eheh...i bought this awesome pants..with a purple border on the top..a few blouses and...yea..thats about it..so now..it's headin home time..*wait*!..dad's birthday..so we decide to get him an ice-cream cake...yummmy!..we head to SS2..we tried to find Baskin Robbins..but apparently there isn't one in SS2..i was about to ask the guy in Swensens if there was a baskin robbins around,..then i was like..*yea..that outta work*..so we jus got the cake fom swensens..Cookies and cream ice cream cake!!..EEEEeeemmmmyyuuuuummmmmm...hehe...so we head back..

dad was in the office...so mum thought it'd be fun to bring in the cake with all his friends there..so we did!..

..::happy birthday DAD!::..
..::doesn't it look super yummy-liciouz::..


hye!..sorry for the long absence in bloggin..been really busy lately..neways..this happened on Saturday..14th july..oh yea..btw..Happy birthday minnie!..hehe...newayz..on that day..we had a futsal tournament..it was kinder awesome..we had our own team..and yea..Peter bum was our "manager"..hahah..a very effective one i might add..hahah..anyways..we played the first round really well..we won all six matches..Woot woot!..if ure really wonderin why there are two girls in the team..it's cause it's a requirement..hehe..atleast two girls on the court and in the team..so yea..hehe..so u would think that the guys would consider us a nuisance on the court..but not these guys..they actually pass u the ball..*jeng jeng*!..hehe..but they were all awesome players!..awesome means awesome!...if only i could play half as well as them!..hehe..Owh yea..someone on our team got sponsored with Milo shirts..so..tada!..the Milo FC..hehe..it was sorta our uniform..=)...hehe..i noe lame..but we all looked kinder good..hehe..

..::the group..Milo FC!..::..

..::me and Dave..such an awesome dude..we all look tired and sweaty!..haha::..

..::juju and me::..
..:: he was really sweet..durin the game..at one point i was appointed to be the goalie..*yay me*..=_='!..hehe...so yea..i was terrified of the thought of the ball slammin me..but ju was in front of me..defending me and all..he didn't let the ball touch me..so cweet..thanks b..i could have died!..but didn't..hehe..ok ok..maybe a tad bit dramatic..=p!..::..

..::some random shot i took while sittin underneath the fan::..

..::Gurshan and Melvin::..
..::Gurshan was just so nice la..he was like the team motivator..hehe..he sorta hurt his knee so he couldn't play..but he was there for support..and he's damn friendly..ehhe..Melvin is the bomb la..he's like the awesome striker..hahah..he scored most of the goals..but does have a slight temper thing goin on..although he did slam the ball at me..i bet his intentions were good..=_='!..hehe..::..

..::Owh yea..did i forget to mention...we came in Second!..woot woot!..heheh..the Trophy is sittin between Mr Cuddles and Mr Teddy!..ehehe..my proud possessions::..

Thursday, July 05, 2007

thankz loads b..=)..

hey peepz..omg it's been so long since i blogged!..can't believe it..anyways..i've been takin tons of pictures to blog about..but i'm so lazy to photoshop it and blog and shyt..hehe..well anyways..today i really felt like bloggin..well as u all noe..well..sum of u anyway..=p!..my Birthday is on Sunday..so my dear dear jujukinz..won't be able to see me for the weekend as we are busy with stuff and all..so he decides to take me out for lunch today after class and all..So he makes all these plans and stuff..and come after my class..a bunch of friends were headed to amcorp to play snooker..sounded oh so temptin..so we decide to go for lunch first then meet up with them later for a round of snooker..but since we were runin behind time..instead of goin for lunchy..we go for snooker first..end up bein there till 6..=s!..hehe..but it was absolute fun!..we didnt however make it for lunch...but he did take me to Kenny Rodgers..=)...and i saw my dahlin ZuraNee..been ages since i last saw her..look as hawt as usual..so after everythin..my jujukins sent me home and off he went..tralalala...OWH YEA...guess whut he got me for my birthday!!..SO SO SO SO SO the gorgeous!..a freakin-leather strapy-expensive wearin-big face-white numbers-owh so comel card-with a box WATCH!so so so so so the gorgeous!..thank you so much b..=)..u spoil me way too much..=)..but i'm not complainin..heheh..Muakz! i wuff u loads!

Monday, July 02, 2007

happie burfday

Weelll...where do i start with this one..hehe..oh yea..
hhehe..i tried to find another pic..but this was all i could find..the others are else where..oh bother..we'll be taking new ones from now on...*winkz*..=p.. this guy has been eva so faithful to me eva since the first day of college..hehe..he's a whacky-i think im funny-but i always try-black wearing slackz with my friendster checkin habits type a guy..=)..hehe..and now he's turnin 21!..dang this people grow up fast..=p..heheh..well just wanna let u noe that you can come to me for anythin..u noe i got ure back!..=)..tk babe..and i'll seeya around coll..lotsa love..
hope u had a wonderful birthday..=)..
