hey people..howya doin??..i'm doin aight..today is like sunday...my Off day from work!!..woohoo..hahah...newayz...was crusin down my town a lil earlier and it Was freakin DEAD!..like some ghost town like that...damn freakin weird...hahah...it's cause its Chinese New Year..DUH.!!..well i wish it could be like this alwayz...man..i could sleep on the street and still be safe...=p...well other then that...allz good..one of my work partners will be goin back to s'gpore tomo...and he is like my break partner kinder thing...i like goin on breakz with him cause he kinder understands me..and he really nice to talk to..well..he'll be gone for three dayz!!!..NOOOooo...i havta break on my own!!!...NOOOooo...sad ain't it...well..wats three dayz right?..RIGHT?!?..i;m goin mad..hahah...i kinder like the relationship we have goin on...like u one...we're tight as friends and nuthin more..no lovey dovey nonsense all...it feels good...Watched Armageddon earlier...nice movie..kinder started tearin at the end..hehe..it was Sad ok!...damn menjiwangted..hahaha...well anywayz..i gtg adi...wanna go bladin...WooHoo..haha..HaihZ...back to work tomo..DANg!...tell ya about it someother time aight..holla back...muakzZz..